Welcome to my shed on the web

This is my shed on the web, where I keep odd bits that I want to keep handy for myself and to share with others.

20 September 2022


What's it all about?

I am building a new style site and using neocites to do the build out. The intention is to look good on a screen or mobile without resorting to too much responsive CSS, if any. It is also to be low bandwdith. Well - that is the basic plan, will add notes and bits as I go.

22 September 2022

To Do

In no particular order (Just here to remind me)

  1. Style body
  2. Style Text
  3. Style Footer
    • Add back to top jump link
    • Do I full width band it or not?
  4. Links
  5. Blockquote
  6. Images (figure)
  7. Tidy the CSS file
  8. Add sub pages
    • Notes: Useful resouces found while building
      - maybe useful to others
    • About: Background to the site and myself
      - Make some room on the homepage
  9. I am sure there was something else?


21 Sept. '22

Block quote and image done - or at least set up

...and over an hour trying to center the figcaption that refused. Copy and paste in the same code from elsewhere and it works!

20 Sept. '22

Styling text - not just font but line heights, padding, margins - more fiddly that you think...

19 Sept. '22

This is a work in progress while I sort out the CSS etc - taking longer than I had intended.

Test/Demo bits


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi consequat, elit at pulvinar eleifend, magna risus pretium nisi, et sodales elit est quis justo. Suspendisse a velit in mi cursus cursus ac eu mi. Cras quis tellus nec nunc dictum sagittis nec quis diam. Nullam sollicitudin non lorem vitae ultrices. Fusce quis porta eros. Maecenas nulla erat, dignissim at posuere sit amet, rutrum a tortor. Aenean pulvinar sem a vestibulum volutpat. Morbi in semper sem, a mattis velit. Fusce vitae fermentum massa. Praesent lectus dolor, tincidunt vel viverra vel, commodo in sem. Fusce at arcu arcu. Curabitur at justo vitae enim pretium elementum et id orci.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi consequat, elit at pulvinar eleifend, magna risus pretium nisi, et sodales elit est quis justo.


The island

Ordered List

Unordered List

Headings (this is a three)

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6


This is a hyper link to someplace